Kids + Teens Safety Bee-Hive-iour
We do our best to make training as safe and fun as possible for all kids + Teens training at Hive Active.
For this to happen, we need your help. Please ensure both you and your child are familiar with the following Hive Active training policy and safety requirements:
CrossFit Kids & Teens Training and Safety Policy
A waiver and intake form, signed by a parent or legal guardian, is required for each child before he or she is allowed to participate in a class. This must be updated annually. Please print the form out and sign it ready for the first class.
Each child must bring a water bottle – this can be refilled at the drinking fountain. Don’t forget to put your child’s name on it! If they don't have a drink bottle, they can purchase bottled water at the front desk.
All participants must wear clothes appropriate for running, jumping, rolling, pulling, swinging, climbing, crawling, throwing, and being upside down.
CrossFit Kids and Teen members must not use any of the equipment without Coach supervision.
Unless siblings or parents of participants are members of the gym, they can not use any of the gym equipment.
Do not park in the driveway of Hive Active when dropping off or picking up kids - it's regularly used for running and creates a safety hazard.
The coach must be made aware of any special needs for your children that may facilitate their individual safety, learning, and growth (i.e., medications, illness, physical/mental limitations, injury, sports, etc.).
CrossFit Kids + Teens MUST NOT increase weights without approval from their coach. Everyone is unique in their strengths and abilities. Just because you are training with friends does not mean you should be lifting the same weights as your friend.
Hive Active has certain behaviour expectations for all our participants. For children who don’t follow gym rules or coach instructions, the following behaviour management protocol will be followed:
First offence – a warning will be issued explaining that the behaviour is disruptive or unsafe but he/she can continue to participate providing he/she listens and follows instructions.
Second offence – the participant will be reminded of their offence, and they will be required to sit out the first two minutes of the game or exercise.
Third offence - If the misbehaviour continues, the participant will be required to sit out for the remainder of the class and their parent will be informed. The participant will be allowed to rejoin the class the following week, however if they continue to misbehaviour for 2 weeks, they will not be allowed to return to class for the remainder of the program.
Parents and siblings of participants are welcome to stay and watch the class, BUT they must not distract or coach any participant during this time, if they do they will be asked to leave.
Immediately notify the coach if you see anyone in the parking lot or in the gym who looks suspicious or does not belong there.
CrossFit Kids
Parents/Guardians are to walk participants inside the building for the start of the class, and come inside the building to pick them up.
All CrossFit Kids participants must wait either in the Kids area or immediately outside of it, before and after class.
Unless pre-arranged with the coach, participants are only allowed to go home with the person who drops them off.